Operating System Setup

Note: the pre-configured SD card image below is outdated. It's NOT compatible with the latest firmware (as it was created on a much older version of Raspbian). Also, it's NOT compatible with RPi 0 and RPi 3. Please install the latest Raspbian, and then follow the OSPi Firmware Installation Instructions to install firmware yourself. Thank you.

A pre-configured SD card image is provided for you to quickly set up software for OSPi.

The latest version: OSPi SD Card Image 2 (with Unified Firmware, update 05/31/15)

MD5SUM: edc2264a267d7330441855bafdb69dea

The process to burn the image onto an SD card is the same as burning a Raspbian image. Below is a brief summary. Detailed instructions can be found on this website.

  • Decompress the image file (.7z) to your computer.
    • On Windows, use the 7-zip software.
    • On Mac, use the unarchiver software.
    • Linux has built-in support for 7z files.
  • Insert an SD card (4GB or above) to your computer. Back up any important file on the SD card.
    • If using microSD card, you need a microSD to full-size SD adapter, or USB adapter.
  • On Windows, use the Win32DiskImager software.
  • On Mac or Linux, use the dd command in a terminal. For example: sudo dd bs=4M if=ospi2new.img of=/dev/partition_to_burn_to
  • IMPORTANT: make sure you have typed in the correct partition name – if you accidentally typed in the wrong partition name, you may end up wiping out your hard disk!

Once the SD card is ready, pop it into your RPi. As WiFi is not configured yet, you should first connect RPi directly to your router with a wired Ethernet cable, or connect it to a screen and keyboard, set the WiFi SSID and password, then you can use the wireless connection.

Next, open a browser, and type in http://ospi_ip/ where ospi_ip is the RPi’s IP address (such as http://192.168.x.x). You should see a welcome page with further instructions. If you see this page, congratulations, the image is successfully burned onto your SD card.

To ssh or log in to RPi, the default user name is pi, and password raspberry